MultiMode Version 2.1.0 May 1, 1999 Introduction MultiMode allows you to decode (and transmit!) several digital modes on your Mac. Best of all, MultiMode is shareware! Please read the chapter on Registering to discover how you can register your copy, and help support software for the Macintosh. Please note that effective with version 2.0.0, MultiMode once again is being distributed as a FAT application, running on PPC and 68K Macs. However, 68K Macs don't have the processing power to handle all of the modes, so some modes are grayed out, meaning they can't run on these machines. I've done all testing on a PowerComputing PowerCenter Pro 180 with a G3 CPU card. I'm anxious to hear how MultiMode performs on other machines. Why did I write it? I've always been disgusted with the lack of decent ham/radio software for the Mac. Why should the wintel boys have all the fun? I've written several other Mac radio related programs in the past (check my web page for details), and have often had requests for a CW/RTTY/FAX/SSTV/etc. decoder for the Mac. Eventually I'd like to add full support for other modes. That's where you come in (more details about that later on). The user interface has dramatically changed since version 1.6.4. Please take a few moments to read through the documentation, to see what changes have been made. Please read through the chapter on registration, to learn how you can register your copy of MultiMode, and help support ham radio software for the Macintosh. 73's Chris Smolinski N3JLY